
In hindsight, and to my misfortune, I have not preserved any of the frontend projects I have developed professionally. Perhaps one day with considerable downtime in my hands I will recreate them for posterity.
Most of my GitHub projects are written in Vanilla JS, so as to be framework-agnostic.
Render text on the web as a book.
Random neat thing of the day.
Library that takes in bingo cells and renders them as a bingosheet.
Render media on a webpage in a draggable overlay.
Extremely silly bot that pulls data about Elden Ring from a database and answers your queries.
Renders a museum on the webpage. Another silly idea.
我是一名 Web 开发人员。此网站的堆栈使用 Next.JS 作为后端、MongoDB 作为数据库以及 React(自然来自 Next.JS)。
我在 SAP 工作期间,对渐进式 Web 应用程序、RESTful 服务器设计和产品开发拥有丰富的经验。
我拥有与多家startup companies合作的全栈经验。
如果您觉得该网站有趣或者有任何其他问题,请通过leej40@outlook.com 与我联系。