Picture-in-Picture JS
Picture-in-Picture JS is a library that can take any arbitrary element on the page and puts it in an overlay.
There are two browser-native alternatives you can use, but the usage is either limited or poorly supported across browsers.
I had a need to develop this solution for prospero specifically but it's still applicable for traditional web.
Say we are discussing Bruegel the Elder's "Tower of Babel".
We are then reading the following passage by Juan Benet in the essay "The Construction of the Tower of Babel":
"The tower is shown on a calm day, the sky furrowed with the odd innocuous cloud that sieves the light of morning, evading, thereby, a profusion of scattered shadows; judging by those cast, albeit timidly, by the counterforts, one may assume the midday hour is near. At this moment, the King of Babylon casts a gaze over his works (contemplating them, like Phillip II in the Escorial, from the elevation of a nearby hill), in the company of the master builder who presents him to a number of stonemasons who kneel, paying him homage. Here the incident concludes; both by its setting in the foreground, in perfect obedience to the rule of repoussoir, as well as by the size of the figures, the group composed of the royal entourage and the stonemasons aids the artist in minimizing the anecdotal and placing all the emphasis on the sovereign edifice that occupies nearly the whole of the landscape, from the earth to the sky, the seaside to the ramparts.
... Brueghel's tower soars up not in the midst of the Babylonian deserts or on the banks of the Euphrates, but rather on the coast of a wealthy country with fertile soil, on the outskirts of a seaport graced with a harbor of some significance; part of it is borne by a rocky cliff that no doubt hemmed in the city at one of its extremes, at the foot of which a castle and a fortified gate were constructed some time prior; by the number of parish churches and the length of the outer walls, we may suppose we are looking at a city of some thirty to fifty thousand people, larger than Alkmaar and smaller than Antwerp; it is crossed by a navigable river that Brueghel's fancy has made to empty into the sea through a tunnel hollowed out in the promontory, or else through a gorge carved through the same and later covered by the tower."
Rather than scrolling up and down constantly, wouldn't it be useful to have the image on hand to verify Benet's argument?
You can see how this would be useful for Medium-style articles or blog posts, where a video is meant to accompany the text.