Justin Lee

Who am I?

Good question. I also am looking for that answer.

Fake profile picture generated by OpenAI using a "Justin Lee, web developer" prompt
Profile picture courtesy of OpenAI: "A photo of Justin Lee, a web developer"

What do you think of the site?

Doesn't look good?

You can change certain things with the site to suit your liking. Such as...


All languages except English were translated through Google Cloud Translation.


Developer mode shows the passing/failing unit tests for components and other things usually hidden from the end user.


In hindsight, and to my misfortune, I have not preserved any of the frontend projects I have developed professionally. Perhaps one day with considerable downtime in my hands I will recreate them for posterity.

Most of my GitHub projects are written in Vanilla JS, so as to be framework-agnostic.

I am a web developer. This site's stack uses Next.JS for the backend, MongoDB for database, and React (naturally from Next.JS).

I have quite a bit of experience with Progressive Web Apps, RESTful server design, and product development from my time at SAP.

I have full-stack experience working with various startup companies.

Contact me at leej40@outlook.com if the site amuses you or for anything else.